Dead Parrot
The Dead Parrot sketch, alternatively and originally known as the Pet Shop sketch or Parrot Sketch, is a popular sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus, one of the most famous in the history of television comedy. It portrays a conflict between disgruntled customer Mr. Eric Praline (played by John Cleese), and a shopkeeper (Michael Palin), who hold contradictory positions on the vital state of a "Norwegian Blue" parrot (an apparent absurdity in itself since parrots are popularly presumed to be tropical and not indigenous to Scandinavia). The skit pokes fun at the many euphemisms for death used in English culture. The sketch aired in the eighth episode of the television series. Over the years, Cleese and Palin have done many versions of the "Dead Parrot" sketch for various television shows, records albums, and live performances.
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